Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Seizure of Power

The Fascist Party continues to gain influence in the Italian Parliament from the support of the property classes. I realized that by favoring anti-communism, anti-strike activity, and nationalism, I could manipulate the property class into advocating the growth of Fascism. The property class's apprehension towards the possibility of a socialist revolution and the working class's desire for improved conditions give the Fascist Party an advantage in the Italian political system, along with the increasing opportunity for me to rule as Il Duce. To further the Fascist Party's political prominence, I decided to create the squadristi - armed forces of Fascists that are specially trained to attack Socialist and Communist groups. By deliberately engendering an environment of trepidation and terror, the Italian people will look towards the Fascist Party and me for stability.
I became certain that the Fascist Party would eventually be able to seize control of the government during a time of anxiety, therefore I decided to manipulate the chaotic situation by threatening the Italian monarchy with the "March on Rome." Even though I meant the march as a bluff for the government to legitimize my power, it was able to create unadulterated fear in the Italian monarchy. Thus, Victor Emmanuel III bestowed upon me the position of prime minister. With the newly acquired power, I began to lay out the foundations of a Fascist Italy. As the Fascist Party was unable to gain a majority in parliament, I found myself in a weak position and continued to rely on the coalitions with other political parties. Eventually, the passage of the Acerbo Law allowed the Fascist Party to gain a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

March on Rome

Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western Civilization.


  1. your march to power is nothing short of legendary. I wish grabbing power was as simple in my own country. Instead we had a civil war for three years, I had many good men die because of it. What I really admire most is how asserting you were and how much you concentrated on getting the citizens involved to support your rise to power. When I took power I only cared to get it by subduing the other political powers
    -General Fransisco Franco

  2. Good evening Mussolini,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. However, I must say that your fascist ideas and reasons for seizing power are a bit silly. I mean really, it all sounds like a cry for attention if you ask me. Your fascist ways are a bit much. Conservatism is much easier. Not all this hassle that you talked about in your other posts.
    Best regards,
    Neville Chamberlain

  3. Leon Blum undercover as Bart here.
    Anyways. You fascists are all the same. You all love war, you are a truly fearsome state because of your ability to manipulate the society to such a degree that they become bloodthirsty also. Your ideology's call for blood became the source of sorrow for the beginning of my life,all you fascists think about is gain gain gain for me. You should try thinking about changing your point of view, you were allied with the good guys after all.
    -Leon Blum
