Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Birth of Fascism

After returning to Italy from my service in World War I, I realized the doctrines of socialism were already dead and it was no longer a force that can create a stable Italian government. I saw the Socialist Party as incapable of promoting an enthusiastic energy  in which every individual would fight for the honor of his country. Pursuing my newly developed principals, I started off my political life with creation of the Fasci Italiani di Combattimeto as way to revive the Italian nation. Through the Fasci Italiani di Combattimeto's appeal to nationalistic sentiments and unity regardless of social class, I believe Italy would once again rise to its prominence of the Roman Empire.
The creation of my fascist doctrines were greatly influenced by the social theories of Vilfredo Pareto. It is true that society does not follow a definite "social pyramid." Instead, society follows a law in which the weak and less able would squander on the bottom of society where they would die of starvation, disease, and other kinds of defects. While at the top sits the elite of the elite, where he would control the masses due to the fact democracy is a deception and humans are naturally inept at governing themselves. In addition, I was also fascinated with Plato's The Republic. Plato's ideas of promoting rule by an elite, rejection of democracy, advocating militarization of a state, and the citizens' responsibility to perform duties in the interest of the state all inspired me to create an Italian Fascist ideal.
Overall, Fascism sees the importance of the state over the individual, in which the government would control every aspects of its citizen's economic, social, cultural, and intellectual life. I perceived the birth of Fascism as a new faith for the Italian people, thus it will allow Italy to achieve its goals of glory and unity that socialism was incapable of accomplishing.

Assembly of the Fasci Italiani di Combattimeto

Benito Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932

1 comment:

  1. Creating enthusiasm and pride for your country is definitely a very positive goal. Striving for power and greatness is also agreeable under the right state of mind. However, using violence against your own people to promote Fascism is completely unethical and bad for a country. Your reign is created by fear not respect, hatred not love, and putting the goal of a powerful country before a country where the people are happy. Using propaganda and fear to create a false pride will not work forever.
